Are you curious about Somatic Sex Education?

First, what does Somatic mean?

It is simply: paying attention to the body, “listening” to the body. You have more than one way to store things/memories in your body…  it’s not all in your head.

When you are in somatic practice you are “talking” to the body through breathing which helps us to become quiet enough to focus attention & hear what it needs to say. Sometimes adding touch or movement to get more specific about where the “listening” is happening. Then being curious about what is there, to allow things that we aren’t already aware of to be expressed, sensed or just integrated/released.

So now that we have an idea about somatic connection you can understand that as a Somatic Sex Educator the work is happening in a similar way to a therapist listening patiently to a client share memories in order to process the stories in our life experience. There are ahah moments that come from the connection to these body memories in a supportive “meaning making” way. By connecting with the soma we become attuned to deeper & fuller range of sensation. Have you ever felt resonance with the saying “it’s the little things”? Well, this is true for sexual pleasure too. Somatic practice is about being present to a broad range of sensations, and unblocking shame & pain to move into the pleasure that is our birthright. This doesn’t mean that we are focused on orgasm as a goal. In fact it means that that’s not the goal, the hope is to expand the range of pleasures we notice, achieving more orgasmicity in many areas of our body.


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