Recently I had a sassy reply to a nice compliment, they said “You look great today!” I quipped with a flirty grin “I look great everyday – somedays you just don’t look at me right!” I knew then that I had a confidence in me like I had never had and it felt great. Of course “love yourself” is always the message, do it at all times, to the best of your ability. Be your own kind, encouraging friend.

“I am a beautiful wonderful woman” is the mantra my counselor gave me 7 years ago. As I gained belief in the message I became connected with myself, now it is my truth & my reminder as I dive into new territory with my work and relationships. I need to hear praise and appreciation, that’s why I say my mantra to myself. Take up some space in your own life, on your own schedule, get help with it if you want to – just seek you, find you and love you. The combination of: celebrating special or even quirky things I like about me, having great sex with myself, and following my wants/desires fans the matchstick flame which has become a powerful fire and it creates steam and movement toward the life I have wanted.

Amy Jo Goddard’s new book “Woman on fire” just came out and it is totally worth reading if you’d like to know more about fanning YOUR own hot woman flame! I hope to get her to the Triangle on her book tour to do some workshops. In the mean time you can start reading, I am! She is not only a seasoned sex educator but a woman who brings sexy communication and empowerment skills to the table for a feast that you are warmly invited to!

Watch Amy Jo’s TEDx Talk: 

Here’s a link to Amy Jo’s website if you’d like to know more about her or read her blog 



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