Doing research for the Moss Beauty LOOKBOOK has led me in a lot of amazing directions, and I’ve met some interesting people in the process who have really helped add shape to my ideas.

488eb0ffe9ffea13317b7dfc8999048eI went to England to meet Jamie McCartney, the creator of the Great Wall of Vagina, to see his studio in Brighton, and get permission to use some of his photographs in the LOOKBOOK. Unfortunately, the days we planned to get together ended up being problematic for him to meet, so I was at loose ends with extra time. I was sick after camping in the cold windy English countryside and I wasn’t feeling like I could explore the town, but I was curious about what else was going on in the UK besides what Jamie was making.

I got online and started searching for vulva art/artists and discovered that Brighton was full of this sort of thing! One of the artists I came across–Emma Buggy–was doing amazing things with vulvas. Huge vulva street sculptIMG_2601ures, vulva shoes, and vulva head masks among other things. I found her on Facebook and started messaging with her. As it turns out, she was sick also. There we both were, in London and feeling awful! We both rallied in order to have lunch, chat about her work and connect over our common interests.IMG_0058

It was amazing! We had the sweetest conversation about our shared experience as women, and when it ended, I left feeling like I had
a heart connection with my new British friend. At that point, no matter what happened with Jamie, I knew the trip had already been worth it. Emma was such an amazing young woman – she rocked my world! We were so far away yet in synchronicity we were both creating art about lovely vulvas. More and more people are talking about this kind of healing.


Check out Emma’s website to see her portfolio and current projects. Click on the photo of her wearing her “Miss Vaginahead” outfit (<–on the left) to watch her inspiring video! It is really great to see her process, her sweet family and how they react to her work on such a charged topic. I wish she could be here in Chapel Hill to meet you all, she’s dreamy!IMG_0474
After learning more about Emma and following her work, I knew I had to have a piece for Moss Beauty, so I bought “Vagina Shoes” my favorite of her vulva sculptures. 

The shipping process was agonizing for both of us; they were held up for 3 weeks in customs and we were worried about them getting broken or lost, but they arrived! Look at how beautiful they are, finally home at Moss!!

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